
Several varieties of sport gasoline on the market have similar characteristics (MON, RON, oxygen content). At the same time, their cost can be different from each other multiple times. What is the reason for this?

The cost of gasoline is affected by the type of additives and components that affect the octane number and several other non-regulated parameters, which are essential for the reliable operation of the motor and the maximum impact. Among these parameters, you can list the following:

  • The speed and steadiness of fuel combustion;
  • Lubricating ability (reduces loss of friction);
  • Cleaning ability and lack of resin formations at the extreme modes of operation of the motor;
  • Even distribution of the octane number by the fractional composition of gasoline.

To achieve these parameters, often insufficient inclusion of additives and synthetic components of fuel fractions are required, which causes higher prices for such petrol.

What characteristics are affected by the proportion of oxygen in gasoline?

For gasoline used in racing competitions, the oxygen content, according to FIA requirements, is limited to a value of 3.7% by weight. Much depends on which classes of compounds of oxygen are included in gasoline used for the common purpose. This limit can degrade many fuel properties (for example, reduce calorific value) or improve them. Gasoline produced under the license of EMQU Technologies is balanced in the best possible way, the oxygen contained, enhancing the quality of gasoline, and does not worsen other fuel properties.

Is it possible to produce fuel with zero percentage of unconsolidated oxygen in biofuels, particularly gasoline?

Yes, it is possible. Several technologies are applicable to obtain such gasoline, for instance, the technology of catalytic dehydration of ethers with the combination of other technologies.